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Ground-penetrating Radar Profiles of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica, Acquired with an Unmanned Rover: Interpretation of Crevasses, Fractures, and Folds within Firn and Marine Ice

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published Dec. 15, 2021


This article was originally published online in Geophysics on 23 September 2015. Support provided by National Science Foundation science grants 1246400 and 1245915 to the University of Maine and Dartmouth College, respectively, (Division of Polar Programs), and NSF grant T-940 to ERDC-CRREL.

Report Number: ERDC/CRREL MP-21-29

Title: Ground-penetrating Radar Profiles of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica, Acquired with an Unmanned Rover:

Interpretation of Crevasses, Fractures, and Folds within Firn and Marine Ice

By: Steven A. Arcone, James H. Lever, Laura E. Ray, Benjamin S. Walker, Gordon Hamilton, and Lynn Kaluzienski

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

December 2021

20 pages / 2.4 Mb

ERDC Library

Release no. 22-057