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Method Selection Framework for the Quantitation of Nanocarbon Scientific Operating Procedure Series (SOP-C-3): Selection of Methods for Release Testing and Quantitation of Solids, Suspensions, and Air Samples for Carbon-Based Nanomaterials

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published Oct. 1, 2020


Report Number: ERDC/EL SR-20-5

Title: Method Selection Framework for the Quantitation of Nanocarbon Scientific Operating Procedure Series (SOP-C-3): Selection of Methods for Release Testing and Quantitation of Solids, Suspensions, and Air Samples for Carbon-Based Nanomaterials

By Rebecca A. Crouch, David P. Martin, Victoria K. Hicks, Jonathon A. Brame, Aimee R. Poda, Mark L. Ballentine, Alan J. Kennedy, and Anthony J. Bednar

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

September 2020

39 pages / 1.59 MB

Distribution List: Hazardous/Toxic Waste Assessment and Cleanup; Environmental Risk Assessment, Sensing, and Monitoring; Military Environmental Engineering and Sciences, EL

ERDC Library

Release no. 20-180