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PUBLICATION NOTICE: Mixture Proportioning and Characterization of Standard Grout Mixtures for Use at Fort Polk

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published Aug. 23, 2019

The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center has published the report/note described and linked below. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Report Number:



Mixture Proportioning and Characterization of Standard Grout Mixtures for Use at Fort Polk


Dylan A. Scott, Rudolph A. Andreatta, Wendy R. Long, Brian H. Green, Vincent P. Chiarito, Kirk E. Walker, Clifton P. Rusche, and Christopher N. Downey


The Engineer Research and Development Center, Geotechnical and Structures Lab (ERDC-GSL) has used Fort Polk as a large-scale testing site for many years. Many cementitious materials have been developed for design validation testing. These cementitious materials, their constituents, and their mechanical properties often went undocumented, making it difficult for researchers to replicate or draw comparison from previous testing. This report aims to begin a process of detailed cementitious material reports for all research efforts in the region. The objective of this report is to document the development of a field castable 6 ksi sanded grout mixture and a 7 ksi sanded grout mixture used in experimental testing programs at Fort Polk in January 2014 and February 2015.
GSL required the development of a 6 ksi and 7 ksi mixture for testing scaled bridge columns. The reduced scaling of the test members resulted in very small rebar spacing. These designs lead to the development of very flowable specialized grouts. This report details the development of this specialized grout for the purpose of aiding future cementitious mixture developments in the region. These results are applicable to efforts where reduced scaling reduces the spacing between scaled reinforcing where all aggregates in the concrete mix would not fit between reinforcing.

67 pages / 4.42 Mb


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Release no. 19-081