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The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center has published the report/note described and linked below. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Ice Control to Prevent Flooding in Ship Creek, Alaska
Steven F. Daly, Joseph S. Rocks, Marina Reilly-Collette, and Arthur B. Gelvin
Ship Creek is a steep, relatively small stream that flows through Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER), Anchorage, Alaska. Ship Creek is a losing stream in its upper portion and a gaining stream in its lower portion, and this has significant impacts on the distribution of ice formation in the stream. Ice formation in Ship Creek is limited to the reach from roughly Vandenberg Avenue Bridge upstream to the Ship Creek Dam. This reach is steep with relatively high flow velocities. Anchor ice and ice dams form during freeze-up and raise water levels. Flooding occurs where the maximum ice-affected water level caused by anchor ice and ice dams exceeds the elevation of the top of banks of the channel. Areas outside of the channel are then inundated, with the extent determined by the elevation of the overbank areas. There are three approaches for ice control to prevent flooding that are suitable for the flood-affected reach of Ship Creek: mechanical removal, application of well water to prevent ice formation, and natural bank restoration. This report explores these approaches and provides recommendations for their effective use.
80 pgs / 6.93 MB
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Release no. 19-046