Tag: Permafrost Tunnel
  • May

    ERDC researchers investigate how climate change impacts permafrost

    Permafrost is found beneath nearly 85 percent of Alaska. While it is typically very strong, as the ice in the permafrost begins to warm, it weakens, and foundations built upon it may begin to fail. CRREL researchers at the Permafrost Tunnel Research Facility are working to address challenges with building on permafrost.
  • July

    ERDC brings history, experience to the crucial fight against climate change

    In early June, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released a report showing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere had reached levels not seen in more than 4 million years. The report has brought more weight to the emphasis President Biden’s administration has placed on a “climate crisis that threatens our people and communities, public health and economy, and, starkly, our ability to live on the planet Earth.”
  • April

    Discovering the Mural in Permafrost

    In the forests of Fox, Alaska, carved into a frozen hillside is a unique manmade 350-meter long research tunnel. Situated on a 16-acre parcel near the confluence of Goldstream and Glenn Creeks, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center’s Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory’s Permafrost Tunnel Research Facility was excavated deep into a large block of discontinuous permafrost that has been going through several recent periods of expansion. The expansion project began back in 2011, taking advantage of the digging seasons when the ground is at its coldest, with an overall project goal of expanding the tunnel facility to better support ongoing and growing research and engineering needs. The most recent expansion effort, this year, has added 300-feet of new tunnel, improved 200 feet of the existing tunnel and added links between the old and new tunnel sections at several locations, to include at an interface between subsurface bedrock and overlying gravels.
  • May

    Corps extends Permafrost Tunnel and Mission

    HANOVER, N.H. (May 4, 2018) -- In Fox, Alaska, lies hidden a unique scientific treasure, the