Tag: PTCx
  • October

    Early involvement of coatings experts can have big impact on project success

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Paint Technology Center, Technical Center of Expertise (PTCx) is at the forefront of cutting-edge research and development, while also supporting project managers across the Department of Defense in ensuring the correct coatings, methods and personnel are used to protect infrastructure, reduce downtime and extend service life.
  • December

    ERDC researcher awarded top honor from USACE

    Dr. Rebekah Wilson, a chemist with the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL), says she found direction during her high school years when physical science and chemistry became her passions. The subjects made sense to her, and she easily found logical answers to seemingly difficult problems using math to predict reactions and create products.