25 Sept. 2012
Public Affairs Office
HANOVER, N.H.—ERDC Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) recently hosted a visit of the newly appointed deputy director of the U.S. Navy’s Task Force Climate Change (TFCC), Capt. Joseph Brenner, and the arctic affairs officer, Cmdr. Angela Walker.
Arctic Researcher Jackie Richter-Menge and Technical Director Kevin Knuuti led the orientation visit, organized to provide TFCC leadership with an in- depth understanding of CRREL’s polar research program, the diverse expertise of the research staff, and its unique test facilities.
According to Brenner, the visit by TFCC leadership was needed to continue the strong interagency partnership. The oceanographer of the Navy serves as the director of TFCC, whose charter is to develop a comprehensive approach to guide future public, strategic and policy discussions regarding the potential impacts of climate change on maritime security. CRREL serves an advisory function for the task force.
Learn more about the Navy Task Force Climate Change at http://greenfleet.dodlive.mil/climate-change/.