What We Do

What We Do

Our Mission

At ERDC’s Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory, our mission is to create innovative solutions to support the nation’s security, defense, public safety, and infrastructure.

What We Do

Our work centers on a unique combination of laboratory experimentation, materials characterization, full-scale field testing, and high-performance computational analysis. We use these techniques to develop innovative solutions in the following areas:

  • Force projection and maneuver support
  • Force protection and weapons effects
  • Civil works and infrastructure
  • Operational support and technology transfer

Our Research Areas

Our research areas include:

  • Airfields and pavements
  • Concrete and materials
  • Geotechnical engineering and geosciences
  • Impact and explosion effects
  • Mobility systems
  • Structural engineering
  • Structural mechanics
  • Survivability engineering


Airfields and Pavements Branch

We deliver new methods to design, construct, evaluate, rehabilitate, and maintain structural systems for pavement and other transportation facilities.


Concrete and Materials Branch

We serve as USACE's single point of expertise in concrete and materials-related research, materials testing and in-depth materials analysis.


Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences Branch

We work in the areas of water resource infrastructure, geotechnical and seismic engineering, geology, geophysics, and soil and rock mechanics.


Impact and Explosion Effects Branch

We use analytics and models to predict air blast, fragmentation, projectile penetration, and other effects produced by weapon impacts and detonations.


Mobility Systems Branch

We focus on research, experiments and evaluations to ensure U.S. military forces maintain ground mobility superiority in any environment.


Structural Engineering Branch

We develop procedures to help structures resist static and dynamic loading and determine effects of explosives, weapons, earthquakes, and more.


Structural Mechanics Branch

We conduct research, demonstrations, and facilities assessments for technologies to protect national infrastructure and military personnel.


Survivability Engineering Branch

We provide force protection engineering expertise for deployed forces against an array of threats, such as sabotage, terrorism, and advanced weapons.