Dr. Lewis E Link is currently a Senior Research Engineer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland. His emphasis in teaching and research has been on natural hazard risk and resilience assessment and mitigation. He currently serves as an advisor to the Governor of Maryland as a member of the Maryland Coast Smart Council and to the Chief of Engineers, U S Army Corps of Engineers through the Corps Coastal Engineering Research Board. He led the post-Katrina analysis of New Orleans and Vicinity as Director of the Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force and participated as a member of the International Advisory Commission, Netherlands, to develop a long-term strategy for adaptation to sea level rise and climate change. Dr. Link is a contributing Editor for The Military Engineer and has assisted in the development of an enterprise-wide strategy for accelerating innovation and a new strategy for Civil Works Research and Development for the Corps of Engineers. He previously served as a Senior Executive in the Department of Army as Director of Research and Development and Chief Scientific Advisor, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. He is a member of the National Academy of Construction, and has received the Army Engineer Associations Silver and Gold DeFleury Medals as well as the Engineering News Records Award of Excellence.