In October 1997, the ERDC Waterways Experiment Station (WES) entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with Veri-Tech, Inc., Vicksburg, MS. The CRADA, entitled "Enhancement of Numerical Models and Simulation Software," is in the process of being extended an additional five years based on the highly successful commercial products that have been produced. Three product agreements have been executed under the CRADA, and the following products are being commercially marketed throughout the world to: universities for research and classroom instruction; consulting firms; libraries; and federal, state, and local government agencies.
The Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM) is the new replacement for the Corps of Engineers' outdated Shore Protection Manual that has been used worldwide since the early 1970s. The CEM is the next generation of the world's most popular coastal manual and it will be used as the basis for future coastal engineering studies for many decades. The CEM is both science and engineering based with national and international authorship among practitioners, researchers, consultants, and academicians, and is a comprehensive state-of-the-art manual incorporating tools and procedures to plan, design, construct, and maintain coastal engineering projects. Veri-Tech installed the manual on CD-ROM with programmed equations, insightful and interactive graphics, hot linked references and comprehensive search capability, and easy navigation among text, figures, equations, references and a large number of programmed example problems. The CEM would be approximately 3,000 pages if it were printed.
The Coastal Engineering Design and Analysis System (CEDAS) is a comprehensive tool box of coastal engineering design and analysis software developed by or for the ERDC Waterways Experiment Station for use by engineers and scientists in the fields of: coastal, ocean, and hydraulic engineering; oceanography; and geology. The modeling system on CD-ROM includes basic coastal engineering computations to more sophisticated models for: hydrodynamics; wave propagation; nearshore hydrodynamics and beach processes; and inlet technology. Veri-Tech developed CEDAS in a Windows interface and graphics within a visual development environment. Pre- and post-processing routines along with graphical tools for visualization and animation were developed in addition to grid generation techniques and extensive data resources included. Veri-Tech developed integrated Windows, tools, menus, toolbars, and directories for ease of system application. Extensive HELP files are included.
The Streambank Stabilization Handbook is a one-of-a-kind compendium prepared by ERDC Waterways Experiment Station practitioners and researchers, along with consultants and academicians. Included are basic concepts of geomorphology, geology, hydrology/hydrodynamics, and geotechnical engineering. Step-by-step descriptions of analysis methods are presented to assist readers applying and understanding techniques in addition to information concerning advantages and disadvantages. Information is presented about actual projects - both successes and failures. CD-ROM Handbook includes extensive tables, figures, and color photographs of existing projects and field situations. Project planning and design guidance are described. Extensive cross-referencing and phrase-word search capability is included. User environment allows fast operation navigating the Handbook. Through an integrated set of windows, tabs, and toolbars, the user can efficiently navigate from text to figures, to tables, to references, to appendices, back to text, etc.
Visit Veri-Tech's Web site at for more detailed information about these technology transfer products, along with information on educational packages and discounts, and pricing.