Mr. Nicholas Boone is the Director of the Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL), at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), in Vicksburg, Mississippi.
As Director, he is responsible for leading and executing broad research, development, technology, and program management in the areas of science and engineering related to force protection, force projection, and civil works. He provides overall guidance and policy direction for the laboratory's mission and operations. He administers and directs professional engineering, technical, and other specialized programs of exceptional difficulty, responsibility, and of national and international significance related to blast and weapon’s effects on structures and geo materials, mobility and maneuver support, advanced materials, critical asset protection, remote sensing, and water resources infrastructure. Mr. Boone leads a team of researchers and support staff in developing technologies primarily within the realm of geotechnical and structural engineering and the geosciences, addressing both civil works and military engineering challenges for the warfighter and the nation. He also leads the ERDC’s cross-laboratory Military Engineering research and development area.
He has authored or co-authored numerous publications in the field of force protection, survivability, and protective structures. He holds five U.S. patents with one additional patent pending. He has received numerous awards and commendations from the Army for Civilian Service, Program Development, R&D Achievement, Technology Transfer, and the Bronze Order of De Fleury Medal.
• Sept 2019 – June 2024: Senior Scientific Technical Manager & Technical Director, ERDC-GSL
• June 2015 – Sept 2019: Technical Director, Force Projection/Maneuver Support, ERDC-GSL
• Feb 2015 – June 2015: Assistant Technical Director Military Engineering, ERDC-GSL
• Mar 2003 – Feb 2015: Research Mechanical Engineer, ERDC-GSL, Survivability Engineering
• MS, Civil Engineering, Mississippi State University, Starkville, Mississippi. April 2021
• BS, Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana. March 2003