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Tag: Seawater
  • Effects of Impure Water Sources on Early-Age Properties of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cements for Rapid Airfield Damage Recovery

    Abstract: In austere environments with limited access to clean water, it is advantageous to use nonpotable water for construction (i.e., mixing water for concrete.) In rapid-response situations such as rapid airfield damage recovery (RADR), the use of calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cements is beneficial for expedient pavement repairs because of their rapid strength gain characteristics. However, the hydration products formed by CSA cements are substantially different from those formed by ordinary portland cement and might react differently to impurities that water sources may contain. A laboratory study component investigated the application of various salts and impure sources of mixing water with commercially available CSA cement-based products. A field component studied the application of naturally occurring impure water sources for RADR. Recommendations are made for implementation of impure mixing water for RADR using commercially available flowable fill and concrete products made with CSA cement.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Concept for Artificial Freezing of Sea Ice at Winter Quarters Bay, Antarctica

    ABSTRACT:  McMurdo Station serves as a major research and logistics hub for the United States Antarctic Program (USAP). Adjacent to the Station is Winter Quarters Bay (WQB), where vessels dock to unload cargo and fuel. The ice pier at McMurdo is essential for this annual vessel resupply but represents a failure potential, occasionally breaking up during or immediately after vessel operations. This study aimed to determine the feasibility of using thermopiles, a passive cooling technology, to artificially freeze seawater to “grow” the existing WQB bottomfast-ice edge so that ships can dock directly against it. Finite element simulations using modeling-parameter assumptions indicate that each row of thermopiles can grow a frozen wall to a depth of 9 m in about a month if installed on 1 July with an initial sea-ice thickness of 1 m and a thermopile spacing of 1.5 m. For our simulation scenarios, we approximate that it would take 255 to 820 days to complete a 40 m by 140 m wedge of bottomfast ice. The estimated cost ranges from about $600,000 to $1,600,000. These results serve as a preliminary feasibility study of successfully using thermopiles for generating a direct docking bottomfast-ice wharf at McMurdo.