New Permafrost Tunnel Operations Facility

ERDC broke ground on its new Permafrost Tunnel Operations Facility, a $11.4 million, 4,300 square-foot building that will contribute to significant...


Dredged material to 3D-print infrastructure

ERDC is exploring how 3D printers can transform dredged sediment into a building block for ecosystem restoration.


ERDC’s biopolymer research group conducts overtopping field study
The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is going “over the top” to solve challenges with innovative experiments. Recently, ERDC’s biopolymer research group conducted an...
Innovative Bioreactor Technology for Treating Industrial Residues
The “Method for Treating Reducible Compound Residues Using Iron-Containing Bioreactor” provides a sustainable solution for managing industrial waste by utilizing iron’s unique properties in...
Successful ERDC seismic test advances readiness of mass timber shelter
The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) took a significant step in transforming contingency construction. In November 2024, researchers conducted a seismic test on an...

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