Tag: Office of Research and Technology Transfer
  • September

    Corps of Engineers District selectees graduate from ERDC University

    Participants from eight U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Districts graduated from ERDC University (ERDC-U) in September. Now in its ninth year, ERDC-U pairs Corps division and district participants with relevant laboratory mentors for six-month research projects.
  • March

    2022 ERDC University participants introduced to world-class research

    Tours of four world-class laboratories mingled with expert briefings highlighted the orientation session for ERDC University, an outreach program of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). This year, selectees came from five U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) districts, who visited ERDC’s campus in Vicksburg, Mississippi, March 1-2.
  • New Orleans District’s Sara Thames selected for ERDC University

    Researchers from five U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) Districts have been selected for the 2022 session of the Engineer Research and Development Center University (ERDC-U). Senior Biologist Sara Thames with the New Orleans District was chosen as a participant for this detail program, which is now in its seventh year.
  • Kansas City District’s Jesseca Alexander selected for ERDC University

    Researchers from five U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) Districts have been selected for the 2022 session of the Engineer Research and Development Center University (ERDC-U). Environmental Engineer Jesseca Alexander of the Northwest Division’s Kansas City District was chosen as a participant for this detail program, which is now in its seventh year.
  • Kansas City District’s Brandon Meinert selected for ERDC University

    Researchers from five U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Districts have been selected for the 2022 session of the Engineer Research and Development Center University (ERDC-U). Building Information Modeling (BIM) Manager Brandon Meinert with the Kansas City District was chosen as a participant for this detail program, which is now in its seventh year.
  • Chicago District’s Jennifer Miller selected for ERDC University

    Researchers from five U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) Districts have been selected for the 2022 session of the Engineer Research and Development Center University (ERDC-U). Supervisory Environmental Engineer Jennifer Miller, Ph.D., of the Chicago District was chosen as a participant for this detail program, which is now in its seventh year.
  • San Francisco District’s Spencer Harper selected for ERDC University

    Researchers from five U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Districts have been selected for the 2022 session of the Engineer Research and Development Center University (ERDC-U). Coastal Engineer Spencer Harper with the South Pacific Division’s San Francisco District was chosen as a participant for this detail program, which is now in its seventh year.
  • St. Louis District’s Matthew Glover selected for ERDC University

    Researchers from five U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Districts have been selected for the 2022 session of the Engineer Research and Development Center University (ERDC-U). Geophysicist Matthew Glover of the St. Louis District was chosen as a participant for this detail program, now in its seventh year.
  • February

    Meet the inventors: Bed-load transport measurement technique

    What did it take for the four-member research team who developed the “ISSDOTv2 bedload transport methodology” to create a U.S. patent-worthy invention? For this team, it was made possible by varied expertise, a combined 86 years of experience, a desire to solve river sediment challenges and helpful friendships.
  • Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory invention team receives patent for bed-load transport measurement technique

    Utilizing their combined decades of experience in river mechanics, a four-member team of research physicists and hydraulic engineers with the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) combined their expertise to invent the Integrated Section, Surface Difference Over Time, version 2 (ISSDOTv2) method, which accurately measures the sediment moving on the bed of large sand-bed rivers. The team from ERDC’s Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) received their patent, “Bedload transport methodology and method of use,” in July of 2021.
  • September

    ERDC biologists’ research noted in professional journal

    Studies conducted by research biologists at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Environmental Laboratory (EL) on the management of the invasive aquatic plant flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus L.) were published in the 2021 Issue 59 of the peer-reviewed Journal of Aquatic Plant Management.
  • August

    Patented Electronically Collimated Gamma Radiation Detector aids Warfighters

    A team of researchers from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Environmental Laboratory (EL) will be recognized later this year for an electronic collimator invention that enables the warfighter with a gamma radiation detector capable of directional detection without the use of shielding.         
  • May

    Aquatic Botany journal features biologist Damian Walter’s ERDC-U project

    U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Environmental Laboratory Research Biologist Dr. Nathan Harms co-authored a journal article as one of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Walla Walla District Wildlife Biologist Damien Walter’s 2019 ERDC University mentors.
  • March

    ERDC University 2021 selectees announced

    Engineers from four U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) districts have been selected for the 2021 session of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center University (ERDC-U). Now in its sixth year, ERDC-U pairs USACE division and district participants with relevant laboratory mentors for six-month research projects.
  • December

    ERDC researcher excels as emergency responder software inventor

    As an intern and later a full-time research engineer at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Geospatial Research Laboratory (GRL), Dr. Michelle Hamilton invented a system for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, which was patented in September 2020 for emergency responders’ use in prioritizing key geolocations for support allocations and mitigation efforts.
  • October

    Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory researchers receive vehicle barrier patents

    VICKSBURG, Miss.--U.S. Soldiers now have a portable, easily assembled barrier for roadways to stop advancing and possibly hostile vehicles, thanks to engineers at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory.