As a stand-alone software application, the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center's "Contingency Base Site Identification for the Tactical Environment" provides military planners with the ability to remotely sense potential CB site locations through weighted algorithms based upon military planning factors. Developed at ERDC's Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, the research of the CB-SITE program creates an impact assessment methodology to operationalize the physical, ecological, and sociocultural attributes for transition into existing Programs of Records.
Contingency Base Site Identification for the Tactical Environment software improves mission effectiveness and accomplishment by developing a prototype tool to assess the impact of physical, ecological, and sociocultural environments relative to contingency base site selection, design, and operations and maintenance.
CB-SITE processes operating environment data (geospatial and tabular) for location-specific information that commands can leverage to select CB site location prior to construction. The end result is a software solution that evaluates geospatial data in support of the commander’s intent within a particular OE.