HANOVER--A contract to conduct a Remedial Investigation (RI) and Base Line Risk Assessment in connection with the discovery of trichloroethylene (TeE) on the Army's Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory properly, has been awarded to Ecology and Environment (E&E) of Lancaster. NY.
The $600,000 study was awarded on behalf of CRREL by the U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency (THAMA), Aberdeen, MD. The purpose of the RI is to determine the nature and extent of environmental contamination at CRREL as a basis for design of a remedial action plan.
The investigation will take several months and involve field work on CRREL property, including installation of monitoring wells, soil gas surveys, and extensive laboratory analysis of soil and water samples. E&E's report, due next spring, will serve as the basis for design of remedial actions, or if required, further investigation.
E&E made an initial visit to CRREL on August 13-14. On the 14th personnel from the New Hampshire and Vennont environmental agencies and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency met with the contractor, THAMA and CRREL project directors. The main purpose of the meeting was to gain concurrence of the statc and federal agencies on the schedule and direction of the investigation.
Regarding the contaminated wells on CRREL property, the laboratory continues weekly monitoring of the wells. reporting the results monthly to the New Hampshire Dept. of Environmental Services and the US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 1.
The New England Division (NED) in Waltham. MA. has developed a design for a water treatment plant that will reduce TeE to below acceptable levels in CRREL well water discharge into the Connecticut River. CRREL is currently discharging into the river under a waiver to a permit issued by EPA.
Final design of a pennanent water treatment plant will be completed by an NED consultant this fall. Present plans call for construction to begin in the spring of 1992 with completion planned for the fall. If the construction schedule is delayed for any reason, a temporary treatment facility will be set up and operated until completion of the final treatment plant.
In September CRREL plans to establish at the public libraries of Hanover and Norwich technical resource centers that will make information about the investigation and remediation of TCE contamination available to the public.
Laboratory Commander Col. Charles Nichols and members of his staff will be attending meetings in the towns of Hanover, NH and Norwich. VT. to explain to selectmen and interested residents the details of the projected TCE studies and remediation. The Hanover meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 9, on the second floor of the Municipal Building on Main St. The Norwich meeting is scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 16. in Tracy Hall.