CHL hosts USACE Navigation RARG

Published April 13, 2012


April 13, 2012

Public Affairs Office

VICKSBURG, Miss. — ERDC's Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) recently hosted the annual Navigation Research Area Review Group (RARG) meeting, a review of research efforts and prioritization of navigation research and development statements of need submitted by non-ERDC personnel through Navigation Gateway.

The RARG annually reviews research efforts and prioritizes statements of need submitted by non-ERDC U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel through the Navigation Gateway.

USACE organizations with a navigation mission are invited to send a representative to Navigation RARG meetings. Several Centers of Expertise, the Institute for Water Resources, the Army Geospatial Center, four division offices, 22 districts and all seven ERDC laboratories were represented.

More than 45 non-research personnel participated in the three-day event, interacting with more than 50 ERDC researchers. In addition to program status reports and ranking statements of need, one full day was spent touring the group around ERDC to see research and product demonstrations.

The district and division personnel said "they were excited to have the opportunity to participate in setting research priorities and to see the many technology demonstrations." The ERDC participants were able to make new contacts and strengthen existing relationships with their primary customers—field personnel.

Learn more about CHL's Research Program.