Ferguson Named Technical Director of Military Environmental Engineering and Sciences

Published Feb. 17, 2011

Feb. 9, 2011

Public Affairs Office

Vicksburg, Miss. — Dr. Elizabeth Ferguson was recently named technical director of Military Environmental Engineering and Sciences in ERDC, a position that will see her jointly directing programs in ERDC's environmental quality and installations (EQ/I) business area with technical directors from other ERDC laboratories.

"I hope to strengthen the ties with our Army user community in an effort to both inform of research needs and potentially improve the reimbursable program in the military environmental quality area," said Ferguson.

Specific duties include developing and executing business and marketing strategies in the EQ/I area, selecting research for military direct-funded programs and project execution oversight. She will also serve as an Army representative on the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Environmental Restoration and Munitions Response panels.

Ferguson earned a bachelor's in chemistry and psychology, a master's in nuclear chemistry and a doctorate in fish physiology and aquatic toxicology, all from the University of Kentucky. She also completed post-doctoral work with the U.S. Geological Survey.

In 1999, Ferguson began her work with the Corps of Engineers as a chemist and ecological risk assessor with the Louisville District. Five years later, she joined ERDCand in 2005 she joined the ERDC Office of Technical Directors as associate technical director in charge of management, funding and technical direction of military-relevant environmental research at ERDC. Prior to accepting her current position, Ferguson served as acting technical director in the same capacity.