May 25, 2012
Public Affairs Office
VICKSBURG, Miss – ERDC Environmental Laboratory’s (EL) Christine Wibowo and Ginny Dickerson, in collaboration with Dr. Wen-Huei Chang, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Institute for Water Resources, and Pep Persio, Headquarters USACE chief of the Recreation Business Line, completed the 2012-2013 update of the Customer Comment Card Program.
The program provides Corps-wide standardized survey planning, tools and procedures for conducting visitor satisfaction surveys at lakes, recreation projects and visitor centers. The program also provides technical support, data entry and a reporting system.
Widely implemented by more than 400 projects throughout the Corps, approximately 30,000 to 50,000 comment cards are collected and analyzed each year. Results of the surveys are used to benchmark the project performance.
Visit a Corps recreation site and then let them know what you think at