ERDC inventors earn patent for Roller Jack for ISO-Type Containers

U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published Oct. 21, 2024
Photo of an ISO-Type Container

Photo of an ISO-Type Container

The hole in the bottom corner of the ISO-Type Container is where the roller jack would be inserted.

The hole in the bottom corner of the ISO-Type Container is where the roller jack would be inserted.

ERDC’s Directorate of Public Works staff worked to build two types of mock-up hospital rooms.

ERDC’s Directorate of Public Works staff worked to build two types of mock-up hospital rooms.

VICKSBURG, Miss. – In 2020, inventors from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, Mississippi, embarked on the innovative development of a Roller Jack for ISO-type containers. A patent application for this invention was filed the same year and officially granted in 2024. The Roller Jack is designed to significantly improve the mobility, safety and efficiency of handling ISO containers across a wide range of environments.

ISO-type containers are extensively used in shipping, storage, and logistics. However, their large size and weight present significant operational difficulties, particularly in remote or constrained environments. The Roller Jack was developed to address these issues by providing a portable, efficient, and cost-effective system for maneuvering ISO containers without the need for heavy equipment.

Under the leadership of Mickey Blackmon, a team of professionals from ERDC was awarded a patent for the invention, the “Roller Jack for ISO-Type Containers,” in May 2024.

Blackmon’s team included Mechanical Engineer David Rogillio, Machinist Leaderman Christopher Ables, Welder Supervisor Timothy Hynum, and Welder Jeremy Sellers. Their collaboration resulted in a cutting-edge solution for improving the mobility and handling of ISO containers.

ERDC has a long-standing reputation for advancing technologies that enhance military and civil engineering operations. With increasing demand for efficient container handling systems, the Roller Jack project was initiated to meet the needs of military deployments, disaster relief operations, and commercial logistics where traditional container-handling methods fall short.

“During the COVID pandemic, we transformed a portable ISO containers into a mobile hospital room,” explained Ables, a key contributor to the project. “The roller jack system allows the container to be easily rolled or pushed into position – whether that’s inside a stadium or any other location. This system enables quick movement and repositioning without the need for heavy machinery.”

Technical Overview

The roller jack for ISO-type containers consists of a specialized lifting and rolling mechanism that can be attached to the corners or sides of the container. It is designed to raise the container slighting off the ground, allowing it to be rolled into position using integrated roller assemblies. This system minimizes the need for heavy machinery and can be operated manually or with minimal motorized assistance.

To operate the roller jack, an operator first positions the lifting arms at each corner of the ISO container. The jacks are then raised, either manually or hydraulically, to lift the container. Once elevated, the rollers are engaged, and the container can be pushed or pulled into the desired location. When the container is in place, the rollers can be locked, and the jacks are lowered to return the container to a stable position on the ground.

Advantages of the Roller Jack for ISO-type containers

  1. Portability: Unlike traditional container handling equipment, the roller jack is lightweight, compact and easily transportable. It can be deployed in remote areas or tight spaces where cranes or forklifts may not be practical.
  2. Efficiency: The roller jack system reduces the manpower and time required to move ISO containers, allowing rapid deployment and repositioning in a variety of settings.
  3. Cost-Effective: By eliminating the need for expensive heavy machinery, the roller jack offers a cost-effective solution for container handling in resource-limited environments.
  4. Versatility: The modular design allows the roller jack to be used with containers of various sizes, making it adaptable to different logistical needs.