The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory’s Dr. Mark Moran was recently promoted through a paneling process to Senior Scientific Technical Manager.
SSTMs are proven leaders in actively pursuing opportunities for current and strategic future work and managing significantly large ERDC programs. Furthermore, they have a major impact on the ERDC mission by their indisputable credibility and influence with our key customers and stakeholders. SSTM positions furnish highly advanced scientific and/or technical guidance and recommendations; perform and/or manage research and development in the physical, biological and engineering sciences or other fields closely related to the ERDC mission; and carry out technical supervisory responsibilities involving technical planning and oversight work.
Dr. Moran joined CRREL’s technical staff in 1986 as a research geophysicist. His early research, during the period from 1989 to 2003, centered on characterizing synthetic aperture radar, ground penetrating radar, seismic, and acoustic propagation and clutter effects on surveillance and targeting systems. In 2004 and 2006, he provided support to a number of Office of the Secretary of Defense-based programs in the areas of force protection, providing quick reaction technical studies and rapid fielding initiatives. A number of these projects transitioned to the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Task Force. And in 2006, at the Joint IED Defeat Organization’s request, he led the Thin Wire Working Group. Since then, he has focused exclusively on the counter IED challenge leading a number of significant JIEDDO-funded initiatives to include Desert Owl, Copperhead, Radiant Falcon, Saturn Arch Sand Dog, and Ground Hog.
Most recently, Moran was selected and reassigned as ERDC’s Technical Director for Terrestrial and Geospatial Sciences and Military Programs. In this position, he supports development of reimbursable programs aligned with the ERDC Business areas Geospatial Research and Engineering and Military Engineering. He leads marketing of concepts and capabilities to potential customers and proponents, and provides oversight of technical direction and quality, cost, schedule, and deliverables.
Moran earned a bachelor’s in physics from Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia, a master’s and a doctorate in geophysics from the Pennsylvania State University.