Dr. Jane McKee Smith is the Army Senior Research Scientist for Hydrodynamic Phenomenon, stationed at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory in Vicksburg, Miss. Smith’s research focus is on coastal hydrodynamics, including nearshore waves and currents, wave-current interaction, shallow-water wave processes, and storm surge. Her projects include theoretical and numerical studies as well laboratory and field experimentation.
Dr. Smith is the co-developer of the STWAVE numerical spectral wave model that is used throughout the world for coastal project planning and design. Smith was the wave modeling lead investigator for the Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force evaluation of Hurricane Katrina. She also led development of a system to quickly forecast hurricane waves, storm surge, and inundation for the Hawaiian Islands.
Smith has over 200 professional publications. She is Chair of the Coastal Engineering Research Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and served as President of the Governing Board of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports and Rivers Institute of ASCE (2013-14).
She serves on the Editorial Boards of the Elsevier journal Coastal Engineering and the ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. Smith is an Adjunct Professor at Mississippi State University, and she serves on Master’s and Ph.D., Committees at the University of Florida, Louisiana State University, Mississippi State University, and Texas A&M University.
Smith’s honors include National Academy of Engineering (2019), South Dakota State University (SDSU) Distinguished Engineer (2015), ASCE Distinguished Member (2014), SDSU Distinguished Alumni (2013), ASCE Government Civil Engineer of the Year (2010), and Waterways Experiment Station Woman of the Year (1987).
Smith earned a Ph.D., from the University of Delaware in Civil Engineering with a focus on Coastal Engineering, and a M.S. from Mississippi State University and a B.S. from South Dakota State University, both in Civil Engineering. She is a Professional Engineer, a Coastal Engineering Diplomate (Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port and Navigation Engineers), and a member of ASCE and the American Geophysical Union.