US Army Corps of Engineers
Engineer Research and Development Center

PUBLICATION NOTICE: Load factors for earth retaining, reinforced concrete hydraulic structures based on a reliability index (β ) derived from the Probability of Unsatisfactory Performance (PUP) : phase 1 study

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published July 8, 2019

The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center has published the report/note described and linked below. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Report/Note Number:



Load Factors for Earth Retaining, Reinforced Concrete Hydraulic Structures Based on a Reliability Index (β ) Derived from the Probability of Unsatisfactory Performance
(PUP): Phase 1 Study


Robert M. Ebeling and Barry C. White


This technical report documents the first of a two-phase research and development (R&D) study in support of the development of a combined Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) methodology that accommodates geotechnical as well as structural design limit states for design of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) reinforced concrete, hydraulic navigation structures. To this end, this R&D effort extends reliability procedures that have been developed for other non-USACE structural systems to encompass USACE hydraulic structures. Many of these reinforced concrete, hydraulic structures are founded on and/or retain earth or are buttressed by an earthen feature. Consequently, the design of many of these hydraulic structures involves significant soil structure interaction. Development of the required reliability procedures has been lagging in the geotechnical topic area as compared to those for structural limit state considerations and have therefore been the focus of this first-phase R&D effort. Design of these hydraulic structures involves consideration of up to six geotechnical and structural limit states and a seventh performance-related limit state. Reliability calculations given multiple limit states are facilitated by new numerical procedures with enough precision for a complete LRFD analysis of these reinforced concrete, hydraulic structures.

307 pgs / 10.8 mb


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