CHL Products and Services

Charged with operating more than 13,000 miles of coastal navigation channels, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers needs robust decision-support technologies to better manage its vast portfolio. ERDC’s Coastal Inlets Research Program infuses these technologies into the hands of practitioners to ensure mission success. The program develops a robust suite of engineering technology focused on Coastal Modeling, Inlet Engineering, Inlet Geomorphic Evolution and Coastal Navigation Portfolio Management. Its tools support the Corps of Engineers from engineers and scientists working at the project scale to regional- and national-level business line managers overseeing the Navigation Operations and Maintenance Program. Its modeling techniques accelerate the prediction of processes and cut costs by several orders of magnitude.
Beach-fx is a comprehensive innovative modeling tool and analytical framework for evaluating the physical performance and economic benefits and costs of shore protection projects.
The Adaptive Hydraulics (ADH) Model System is a modular, parallel, adaptive finite-element model for one-, two- and three-dimensional flow and transport.
CHL solves interdisciplinary, strategically important problems of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Army, DOD and the Nation. Our research and development addresses water resource challenges in groundwater, watersheds, rivers, reservoirs, lakes, estuaries, harbors, coastal inlets and wetlands.
Adaptive Hydraulics Model System
The Adaptive Hydraulics (ADH) Model System is a modular, parallel, adaptive finite-element model for one-, two- and three-dimensional flow and transport...
To predict storm surge water level and help control the impact of storm damage...
ADvanced CIRCulation Model
ADCIRC is a modeling system that predicts storm water level to help control the impact of storm damage...
Beach-fx is a comprehensive innovative modeling tool and analytical framework for evaluating the physical performance and economic benefits and costs of shore protection projects...
BOUSS-2D is a comprehensive numerical model for simulating the propagation and transformation of waves...
The ADH Sediment Library Control contains the graphical prompts for specifying model options. The dialog is accessed through the ADH | Sediment Library Control menu item.
The purpose of CADET is to assist USACE engineers in determining the dredging depth of federally maintained channel design projects...
his suite contains the following models - RMAP(Regional morphology analysis package), BMAP(beach morphology analysis tools), Genesis(generalized model for simulating shoreline change), ACES(automated...
Interacive CEM
This manual provides a single, comprehensive technical document that incorporates tools and procedures to plan, design, construct, and maintain coastal projects...
CGWAVE (Panchang & Xu 1995) is a 2D finite element model based on the elliptic mild-slope wave equation...
A Chirp system emits an acoustic pulse (called a “ping”) from the transducer that travels down through the water column...
CIRP - Coastal Inlets Research Program
The United States, through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), has a national interest in the stability and evolution of coastal inlets. Almost $1 billion is expended annually to operate and...
Coastal Lidar and Radar Imaging System
Coastal Lidar and Radar Imaging System is a suite of sensors mounted on a 4x4 van that we use to survey the sub-aerial beach and dune pre/during/post-storms and quarterly throughout the year.  
Coastal Lidar and Radar Imaging System
Coastal Lidar and Radar Imaging System is a suite of sensors mounted on a 4x4 van that we use to survey the sub-aerial beach and dune pre/during/post-storms and quarterly throughout the year.  ...
Coastal Hazard System
Coastal hazards such as storm surge, waves, currents, wind, and rainfall associated with hurricanes and extratropical storms can have devastating effects on coastal communities...
Coastal Lidar and Radar Imaging System
CLARIS is a full mobile mapping systems that quantitatively measures both subaerial topography and shallow-water bathymetry of coastal regions during storms...
Coastal Model Test Bed (CMTB)
Numerical models developed at the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) are used by engineers, scientists, and coastal planners in Corps Districts,...
Coastal Modeling System
The Coastal Modeling System (CMS) is a suite of coupled two-dimensional (2D) numerical models for simulating waves, hydrodynamics, salinity and sediment transport, and morphology change...
Coastal Modeling System (CMS)
The Coastal Modeling System is an integrated 2D numerical modeling system for simulating waves, current, water level, sediment transport, and morphology change at coastal inlets and entrances...
ERDC Wave Flumes
The Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) houses three state-of-the-art wave flumes that address research, design and development, and site-specific...
Hudson Integrated Coastal Engineering Research Facility (HICERF)
The Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Hudson Integrated Coastal Engineering Research Facility (HICERF) directional wave basin is a state-of-the-art resource for discovery, development,...
Dredging Optimization
Optimization capability produces slate of dredge funding allocations across projects that minimizes potential cargo disruptions nationwide...
DREDGE was developed to assist users in making a priori assessments of environmental impacts from proposed dredging operations...
DRT is a CIRP-developed tool to rapidly simulate dune volume changes in response to waves and wind.  ...
Currituck Sound Monitoring Array
Significant progress has been made towards understanding circulation dynamics/hydrodynamics and associated sediment transport in coastal and open estuarine environments. However, comparable research...
A simple and robust 1-D nearshore model for predicting hydrodynamics and profile change from depth of closure into the swash zone.  CSHORE is based on he phase-averaged set of governing equations and...
Corps Shoaling Analysis Tool (CSAT)
The CSAT calculates channel shoaling volumes using historical channel surveys and uses the shoaling rates to predict future dredging volumes...
The Coastal Zone Mapping and Imaging Lidar (CZMIL) is a new sensor development effort within the National Coastal Mapping Program (NCMP)...
Maintenance responsibility for more than 25,000 miles of navigation channels and 400 ports and harbors throughout the United States requires extensive surveying and mapping services, including...
Coastal Structures, Management Analysis, and Ranking Tool
Coastal Structures, Management Analysis, and Ranking Tool...
CPT (Channel Portfolio Tool)
CPT is designed to enable analysis of commercial utilization of the Corps-maintained waterway infrastructure at a variety of coverage levels...
Engineering Site Identification for the Tactical Environment (ENSITE)
ENSITE improves mission effectiveness and accomplishment by developing a prototype tool to assess the impact of physical, ecological, and sociocultural environments relative to contingency base (CB)...
CORE-LOC® Concrete Armoring
CORE-LOC® Concrete Armoring provides reliable navigation and shore protection structures in high wave-energy environments...
Coastal Zone Mapping and Imaging Lidar
CZMIL is a sensor development effort within the National Coastal Mapping Program that produces high-quality, high-resolution information products from airborne lidar bathymetry, topography, and...
Department of Defense Groundwater Modeling System
GMS is a software package that incorporates a suite of numerical modeling programs that helps engineers visualize project sites, evaluate cleanup alternatives, and predict their effectiveness...
Department of Defense Surface-water Modeling System
SMS is a comprehensive package that provides tools for every phase of a hydraulic simulation, including site characterization, model development, post-processing, calibration and visualization...
Department of Defense Watershed Modeling System
WMS is a software program that integrates hydrology, hydraulics, and water quality to help civil engineers make informed decisions about watershed management...
Coastal Storm Modeling System
CSTORM-MS is a comprehensive system of highly skilled and highly resolved models used to simulate coastal storms and accurately assess risk to coastal communities...
Coastal Storm Modeling System Features
CSTORM-MS is a comprehensive system of highly skilled and highly resolved models used to simulate coastal storms and accurately assess risk to coastal communities...
Field Research Facility Data Integration Framework (FDIF)
ERDC-CHL operates the Field Research Facility (FRF) at Duck, North Carolina, where we maintain a number of oceanographic datasets, including winds, waves, water levels, currents and beach morphology...
What is FUNWAVE-TVD?FUNWAVE–TVD is the Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) version of the fully nonlinear Boussinesq wave model (FUNWAVE) developed by Shi et al. (2012). The FUNWAVE model was initially...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE or Corps) has a mission to manage flood risks:“The USACE Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) works across the agency to focus the policies, programs and...
FATE models
STFATE - Short term fate of dredged material; SSFATE -Suspended sediment fate; LTFATE - Long term fate of dredged material; CDFATE - Continuous discharge (DROPMIX); MDFATE - Fate of dredged material...
Engineering Site Identification for the Tactile Environment (ENSITE) is dedicated to empowering military planners with the data and knowledge for siting base camps. Base camp locations and designs are...
The Coastal Model Test Bed (CMTB)
The Coastal Model Test Bed (CMTB) has been developed to evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of numerical models and to focus efforts on improving estimates.
Mini Robotic Submersible - Dredge (MRS-D)
Background A major portion of U.S. military combat power and sustainment will arrive in theater via commercial shipping and military sealift vessels of varying drafts.  In order to optimize force...
USACE Committee on Tidal Hydraulics
At regular intervals the committee meets at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) to review the research program in tidal hydraulics related areas. Following each meeting the...
USACE Committee on Channel Stabilization
The Committee on Channel Stabilization is a permanent technical advisory committee of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Committee has varied objectives in the area of alluvial channel hydraulics...
Military Hydrology Program
The Military Hydrology Program at ERDC’s Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory deals with the characteristics of surface and subsurface water features as they affect the planning and execution of military...
Regional Sediment Management Program - RSM
Regional Sediment Management and the U.S. Army Corps of EngineersManaging sediment to benefit a region potentially saves money, allows use of natural processes to solve engineering problems, and...
Lightweight Modular Causeway System
The Lightweight Modular Causeway System (LMCS) is a floating portable and adaptable tactical bridge apparatus...
Steady State Spectral Wave
Steady State Spectral Wave (STWAVE) is an innovative numerical wave modeling technology that helps engineers understand the complex changing coastal environment to best manage successful projects...
Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis
GSSHA is a multidimensional modeling technology that uniformly couples overland, surface, and subsurface flow for accurate watershed simulation...
Systems Approach to Stream Bed and Bank Erosion Control Training
Stream and River Bed-Bank Erosion and Stabilization Training offers the latest innovative solutions, practical knowledge and design considerations in river mechanics, geomorphology and streambank...
Portable Lightweight Ubiquitous Gasket
PLUG is a rapid repair response system to quickly close levee breaches in areas that may be difficult to reach...
Integrated SONAR/LIDAR Survey System
ISS is a coupled topographic/bathymetric surveying system which integrates a terrestrial scanning laser with acoustic sonar to provide a complete picture of coastal and riverine structures and...