Beach-fx is a Monte Carlo simulation model developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that incorporates a new framework for performing engineering-economic analyses associated with storm damage reduction studies. This event-based framework replaces older frequency-based analyses that are derived from riverine flooding approaches, which are not as suitable for the coastal storm damage problem. Beach-fx utilizes a database that describes the coastal area under study, a suite of historically-based plausible storm events that can impact the area, an inventory of structures that can be damaged, and the estimated morphology response of the anticipated range of beach profile configurations to each storm in the plausible storm suite, together with the driving parameters for flooding and wave impact damages. This allows the model to be readily transportable between study areas, as the specification of the project area is contained in the database. Beach-fx features include: an interface to geographical information system data; a graphical user interface; extensive reporting and visualization; and the capability to import required input data sets from spreadsheets.