
Welcome to the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC’s) Coastal and Hydraulic (ECHO) Post-Doctoral Research Program!

Coastal Research Ambious Buggy prepares to enter the waterERDC helps solve our nation’s most challenging problems in civil and military engineering, geospatial sciences, water resources, and environmental sciences for the Army, Department of Defense, civilian agencies, and our Nation’s public good. ERDC’s Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory is one of seven laboratories at ERDC, with core competencies in hydrology, river and estuarine engineering, coastal science and engineering, fluid-structure interaction, and maritime operations. ECHO is CHL’s new post-doctoral research program, beginning in 2022, and is designed to support innovative research investigations by our Nation’s top new Ph.D. graduates.  ECHO positions are announced annually, each fall, with research topics depending upon ongoing prioritized research within CHL.  Research opportunities generally range from one to three years, and Post-Doctoral Fellows are hired as temporary (termed) full government employees with full federal benefits.  ECHO provides Post-Doctoral Fellows opportunities to develop their skills as principle investigators and to conduct cutting edge research, while learning about ERDC’s and CHL’s research focus areas through engagement in our diverse research community. Potential applicants are encouraged to reach out to the listed research advisors during preparation of their application to ensure alignment of their proposals with project goals and needs.