CHL Expertise

CHL provides experimental and computational expertise for solving water resource problems worldwide. Our research and development addresses water resource challenges in groundwater, watersheds, rivers, reservoirs, lakes, estuaries, harbors, coastal inlets and wetlands. Research programs range from design guidance to three-dimensional numerical models.

Experts in the News

ERDC researchers assist with saltwater intrusion efforts in southern Louisiana
As residents of Louisiana prepare for possible disruptions in their drinking water caused by saltwater intrusion, researchers from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) are...
Los Angeles District’s Jose Paredez selected for ERDC University
Researchers from 10 U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Districts have been selected for the 2023 session of the Engineer Research and Development Center University (ERDC-U). Jose Paredez, a civil engineer...
Kansas City District's Michael Mansfield selected for ERDC University
Researchers from 10 U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Districts have been selected for the 2023 session of the Engineer Research and Development Center University (ERDC-U). Michael...
Portland District's Garrett Hall selected for ERDC University
Researchers from 10 U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Districts have been selected for the 2023 session of the Engineer Research and Development Center University (ERDC-U).Garrett Hall, senior mechanical...
Researchers analyze, share DUNEX data for coastal resiliency
As the 2023 hurricane season begins, participants in the U.S. Coastal Research Program (USCRP)-supported During Nearshore Event Experiment (DUNEX) are hard at work to analyze their collected data and...