WEBVTT 00:01.970 --> 00:03.970 So we're working with the Bureau of 00:03.970 --> 00:06.137 Safety , Environmental Enforcement and 00:06.137 --> 00:07.859 the E . P . A . To improve the 00:07.859 --> 00:09.970 efficiency of oil burns out in marine 00:09.970 --> 00:11.950 environments after the deepwater 00:11.950 --> 00:15.010 horizon . We used in situ burning to 00:15.010 --> 00:16.954 clean up a lot of the oil that was 00:16.954 --> 00:19.470 spilled on the water . And so we are 00:19.470 --> 00:22.850 looking at that technique to forward 00:22.873 --> 00:24.929 that because it's a really efficient 00:24.929 --> 00:27.683 way to quickly remove large volumes of 00:27.683 --> 00:30.463 oil off the surface of the water . But 00:30.473 --> 00:33.483 one of the negative effects of that is 00:33.483 --> 00:36.143 there's a large black plume of smoke . 00:36.193 --> 00:38.863 So what we're testing is a unique 00:38.863 --> 00:42.483 system , reconfiguring what is already 00:42.483 --> 00:45.906 there . And so we , what you see is a 00:45.916 --> 00:47.972 boom system that's in the shape of a 00:47.972 --> 00:49.766 wine glass . So last textile 00:49.766 --> 00:51.877 manufacturer of lots of different oil 00:51.877 --> 00:53.988 spill response equipment . We're here 00:53.988 --> 00:56.210 today because we're working with Bessie 00:56.210 --> 00:58.266 for a research program where they're 00:58.266 --> 01:00.488 having us build our boom into a certain 01:00.488 --> 01:02.488 configuration that will allow for a 01:02.488 --> 01:04.710 cleaner burn less smoke plume is the is 01:04.710 --> 01:06.877 the goal you have the cup which is the 01:06.877 --> 01:08.822 wider portion , so the oil gets in 01:08.822 --> 01:10.544 there , then the gate actually 01:10.544 --> 01:12.710 separates it from the stem , which the 01:12.710 --> 01:14.710 stem is , where they're saying that 01:14.710 --> 01:16.877 they can get a more efficient burn the 01:16.877 --> 01:19.099 narrower the fire , more oxygen can get 01:19.099 --> 01:21.322 into it . And so they'll be less soot , 01:21.440 --> 01:23.980 less smoke and less burn residue . 01:25.160 --> 01:27.300 So our team here at coral is very 01:27.300 --> 01:29.522 experienced in working with crude oil . 01:29.522 --> 01:32.080 And so we're one of the only facilities 01:32.080 --> 01:34.191 that you can do controlled burns like 01:34.191 --> 01:36.200 this . So our expertise and the 01:36.210 --> 01:38.266 permitting that we have allows us to 01:38.266 --> 01:40.377 safely conduct these experiments in a 01:40.377 --> 01:42.599 controlled environment in hopes that we 01:42.599 --> 01:44.543 can help improve the efficiency of 01:44.543 --> 01:45.940 these systems .