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Tag: Salmon--Spawning
  • Optimization of Reach-Scale Gravel Nourishment on the Green River below Howard Hanson Dam, King County, Washington

    Abstract: The US Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, nourishes gravel downstream of Howard Hanson Dam (HHD) on the Green River in Washington State. The study team developed numerical models to support the ongoing salmonid habitat improvement mission downstream of HHD. Recent advancements in computing and numerical modeling software make long-term simulations in steep, gravel, cobble, and boulder river environments cost effective. The team calibrated mobile-bed, sediment-transport models for the pre-dam and post-dam periods. The modeling explored geomorphic responses to flow and sediment regime changes associated with HHD construction and operation. The team found that pre-dam conditions were significantly more dynamic than post-dam conditions and may have had lower spawning habitat quality in the project vicinity. The team applied the Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model to the site and then calibrated to the post-dam gravel augmentation period. The team implemented a new hiding routine in HEC-RAS that improved the simulated grain size trends but underestimated coarse sediment transport. Models without the hiding function overestimated grain size but matched bed elevations and mass flux very well. Decade-long simulations of four future gravel nourishment conditions showed continued sediment storage in the reach. The storage rate was sensitive to nourishment mass and grain size.