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Tag: Airfield pavement design
  • Evaluation of Thin Flexible Pavements under Simulated Aircraft Traffic

    Abstract: A full-scale airfield pavement test section was constructed and trafficked by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) to evaluate the performance of relatively thin airfield pavement structures. The test section consisted of 16 test items that included three asphalt pavement thicknesses and two different aggregate base courses. The test items were subjected to simulated aircraft traffic to evaluate their response and performance to realistic aircraft loads and to evaluate the effect of reductions in tire pressure on thin asphalt pavement. Rutting behavior, pavement cracking, instrumentation response, and falling weight deflectometer response were monitored at selected traffic intervals. The results of this study were used to extend existing Department of Defense pavement design and evaluation techniques to include the evaluation of airfield pavement sections that do not meet the current criteria for aggregate base quality and minimum asphalt concrete surface thickness. These performance data were used to develop new aggregate base failure design curves using existing stress-based design methodology.