CHL Conducts Streambank Erosion and Protection Course

Published March 30, 2012
ERDC Researcher Dave Derrick conducts PROSPECT Course #285, "Streambank Erosion and Protection."

ERDC Researcher Dave Derrick conducts PROSPECT Course #285, "Streambank Erosion and Protection."

Large crushed rock is strategically placed to stabilize stream banks.

Large crushed rock is strategically placed to stabilize stream banks.

March 30, 2012

Public Affairs Office

VICKSBURG, Miss. – ERDC Coastal and Hydraulic Laboratory (CHL) Research Hydraulic Engineer and Project Manager David Derrick conducted Proponent Sponsored Engineer Corps Training (PROSPECT) Course #285, "Streambank Erosion and Protection," in Vicksburg, Mar. 19-23, for a group of “students” from across the Corps.

As the value and use of land near streams increases, the need for effective bank protection techniques quickly becomes apparent.  Many miles of streambank along major waterways have been protected as part of navigation and flood control projects; however, many streams still need bank protection.

The recent course provided the latest practical knowledge and design criteria for bank and bed stabilization and restoration for rivers and streams both large and small.  Participants reviewed river mechanics and geomorphology and problems caused by streambank erosion through a series of lectures, field exercises, and student team-developed streambank protection conceptual designs.  The students learned to organize, prepare for and conduct a field analysis of streambank erosion problems, consider and analyze several alternative bank protection treatments, pick the most effective treatment taking into consideration the expected engineering performance, environmental ramifications, and cost effectiveness of the project and develop a long-term monitoring, maintenance and repair plan for the proposed project.

Learn more about PROSPECT Course #285, “Streambank and Streambed Erosion and Protection,” at, and other available PROSPECT courses at